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Old Man Turns 60

My dad had his 60th birthday party in our backyard this weekend. We ate lots of good stuff and he jammed with his friends on stage. It was fun. View all of the photos.


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Fullerton Red Light Cameras Trashed, Legal Blunders Swept Under the Rug

Fullerton has terminated a dubious partnership with failing red light camera vendor Nestor Traffic Systems after the contract for operation of the cameras was declared to be illegal by an appeals court last year. It's a long story, but stick with us as we tell this tale of inept vendor selection and blatant disregard for the law in Fullerton...

Read the rest of Fullerton Red Light Cameras Trashed


Fullerton's $100,000 Pension Club

Another one for Fullerton:

Fullerton taxpayers are looking down the barrel of a major increase in pension payments next year. The CalPERS agency has lost as much as 37% of its assets in the stock market crash and taxpayers are contractually obligated to make up the difference.

Our Friends at the California Foundation for Fiscal Responsibility just released a report called the CalPERS $100,000 Pension Club. In their handy database, we located the annual pensions of 26 City of Fullerton employees who are bringing home over $100,000 a year post-retirement at our expense. We believe in an open government where the residents of Fullerton know what they are paying for -- Click here to see the list


Departing Police Chief Brings Home The Bacon

My latest post on FFFF: in time for his retirement, our beloved police chief Pat McKinley brought home a $100,000 federal earmark for his new body armor which he designed in a partnership with seasoned police contractor Safariland, a subsidiary of Europe's largest military contractor. Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez congratulated herself for rooting up the money for the high-priced vests as part of the Omnibus Appropriations Act.

What could be wrong with this earmark? It's nothing but free money for the City of Fullerton - an unconditional gift from the federal government, right?

But the earmark qualifies as official government pork according to government watchdogs.

Read the rest of "Departing Police Chief Brings Home The Bacon"


Dirt Road

I have been lobbying city hall for years to have our street reverted to its historical dirt form. I finally won! Power to the people!


Blogging activities

Recently I've been writing editorials for a popular local blog. If you want to know what really aggravates me, just read them:


Fullerton Youth Rugby

There was a huge youth rugby tournament at the school across the street today. We went over to take a look. These kids really beat up on each other - no helmets!. It's awesome.

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