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Off-Road Trip - Pilot Rock to Arrowhead

On Saturday, we tried to make a day trip from Silverwood Lake up to Big Bear, and then drive around a bunch of trails in Big Bear. Due to many unfortunate circumstances, we barely made it up to Arrowhead. It was still a fun trip, and we got pretty dirty. Go here for the pics.


Looks like fun, wish I could have joined up.

By Anonymous LoPo, at 10:22 PM 

Mojave road in the spring...

By Blogger Travis, at 7:20 AM 

Is that the same trip you guys made in May?

By Anonymous LoPo, at 6:56 PM 


By Blogger Travis, at 11:02 PM 

I'm in, I have to check the Paid Time off situation closer to the trip.

By Anonymous LoPo, at 5:16 PM 

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